Five Blended Learning Best Practices

Mar 9, 2022 2:03:56 AM | blended learning Five Blended Learning Best Practices

Find the best 5 practices of blended learning, a combination of face-to-face and online techniques.

Blended learning is delivered through a combination of face-to-face and online techniques. It has become a popular learning delivery format in India. There’s a reason for it. One key benefit of blended learning is that it allows teachers and students to take advantage of the flexibility and convenience while enjoying the benefits of traditional classroom learning. If you are planning to adapt to blended learning in your school, here are the blended learning best practices to follow: 

  • Use engaging content: Learning content needs to be more than a teacher reading out from a book. To keep students engaged, the content has to be informational, fun and interactive. Our Thinkroom textbooks are more like activity books that have colourful and fun images that entice students to read them. The lessons and activities are presented in such a way that students will feel like they are reading comics. Our books are simple and easy to understand and definitely not an information overload that you see in regular textbooks.
  • Encourage participation through digital tools:
When reading lessons whether online or offline, students need opportunities to come together and practise what they have learnt. This is key for their own self-assessment and for teachers’ evaluation. Our AI-driven advanced LMS portal has many animated videos, quizzes and other activities that not just reinforce learning but also allow students to have fun while they are running. For instance, watching a video online before class and having a discussion on the video is a great way to break the monotony of the day but keep the learning going.kidsloop 
  • Keep an eye on the learning goal: A good blended learning model has lessons that are aligned with intended learning outcomes. So that teachers can conduct online and in-class activities that support those goals. Our ThinkRoom Programme has a blend of online and in-class learning activities that are aligned with clearly defined outcomes based on SOLO taxonomy.  Solo Taxonomy explains the levels of growing complexity in a student’s understanding of subjects. The guide is widely used all over the world to gauge how students are learning.
  • Open communication: Traditional learning is often associated with a one-way style of communication. However, in a good blended learning model students are encouraged to talk, discuss and share their ideas. Our programme has several activities that can be done in pairs or small groups. These activities allow students to pick up not just communication skills but also team spirit.
  • Personalised assessments and school’s performance: Every child learns differently and their assessments should reflect the same. A good blended learning programme allows teachers to continuously assess students and allow them to give personalised feedback. Our data-backed assessments and reporting help teachers give customised feedback.  There are over 45 transformation parameters that show how a school has progressed and raised the standards of education every term.
  • You can implement the best practice blended learning model in your school with our ThinkRoom Programme.  To know more, schedule an appointment.

Written By: TechShu