The Fundamental Flaw In Our Education System

Mar 1, 2022 2:51:41 PM | pedagogy The Fundamental Flaw In Our Education System

What is the one major flaw in India's education system? How does it affect the kids and how can we rectify it? Read on to find out more about this!

Every country in the world has its defined system of education. However perfect they seem to be, there are always areas that need enhancements. This blog focuses on a few of the 'flaws' in the Indian education system. 

In a traditional classroom, a teacher reads out the lesson and the students repeat after her. Then the teacher asks questions for which the answers can be found in the textbook. The problem with this method of teaching is that kids have no room to think. They read, learn, and repeat what they are taught. At first, they ask questions like 'Why is this important?' and 'How can I apply this in real life?'. They might even contradict the content in their textbooks. But when that behaviour is not encouraged or nurtured enough, they just settle down to meeting the 'expected behaviour'. A perfect example of this can be found in this anecdote. The fundamental flaw in the education system is that we train our kids to 'answer' and not 'question'. When a child is trained to question, the brain fires up in all directions. It is developing the ability to analyse, synthesise, evaluate, debate, and more importantly be curious. 

Walk into your classrooms and observe if our teachers are allowing our children to question enough! Is the class driven by the teacher's agenda or is the class driven by students' curiosity?

In a ThinKroom, students learn from our student material (called Studios) which are developed on the basis of the 4 Facets of Thinking; Look Deep, Look Beyond, Look Around, and Look Within. Studios ask questions to develop a kid's social, emotional, and creative thinking in addition to their academics. The picture below is a great example of that.




Kids already have their own, unique way of thinking. Why not develop that thinking potential instead of forcing them to think in the same way. Studios are designed in a way to encourage the former. It is peppered with questions throughout a lesson which increases kids' curiosity to know more about the topic. Kids retain things better if they search and come up with answers by themselves. So, teachers guide the students in their quest instead of teaching them what's in a textbook and overloading them with information. If kids have fun while learning, then they will be definitely interested to learn more. That's why ThinkRooms focus on making learning fun. 

Check out this video to know more about the fundamental flaw in our education system and how it affects the kids. Schedule an appointment to know more about ThinkRoom and how ThinkRoom helps Awaken the Human Potential in Every Child. 





Vasumathi Muthaiyan

Written By: Vasumathi Muthaiyan