We missed you dearly!

Oct 9, 2021 6:30:43 AM | #smallBIGIdeas We missed you dearly!

Students in India are returning back to Classrooms. Here is a way to show that you care for them.

Students are returning back to school. How are you planning to welcome them back? 

Here is a way to welcome your students back to school. Show them how dearly you missed interacting with them in person. Welcome them with warmth. 

Instructions to Use This template:

1. Click on 'Use Template'

2. Edit the template in Canva (A free design tool)

3. Use it as a social media post or

4. Print and give a hard copy with your signature to students

Use Template

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 8.27.56 PM


These small gestures create an emotionally safe learning environment. It is not enough if we just love our students, we need to also show them that we care right? After all Care is love in action! 

So go ahead and use this tool. If you have more ideas, please do share it.  


Santhosh Subramanian

Written By: Santhosh Subramanian